Muscle mass
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How to Increase Your Muscle Mass

Muscle Mass

Lean muscle is a concept related to body mass, and it is defined as the content of the body from which the percentage of fat is subtracted. Body mass is used to calculate the basal metabolic rate, and in the context of bodybuilding, muscle mass is that which is gained without adding fat or what is left of it after elimination Fats, and it can also be seen as the amount of muscle in the body, apart from the amount of fat, bones, and other parts, and in this article, some methods will be presented that help in increasing muscle mass.

Increase Muscle Mass

Increase muscle mass
Increase muscle

When bodybuilders talk about increasing muscle mass, they strive to increase the amount of muscle in their body without gaining fat simultaneously, this can be a challenge, because the body tends to either add or break down mass, depending on whether the calorie consumption is More calories than are burned, the body stores the extra calories not as muscle, but as fat.

Rules for Increasing Muscle Mass Through Exercise

It is necessary to consult with specialists in the field of sports, trainers, physiotherapists, and others who are familiar with the anatomy of the human body, and how its components of muscles, bones, tendons, etc. relate to each other, and it is never right to rely on guesswork in these matters or perhaps the experience of some comrades. Rather, the correct advice must be followed to get rid of the correct increase of muscle mass, and among the rules of the sport that help in increasing muscle mass are the following:

Exercising constantly and vigorously: Training with heavy weights plays an important role in the ability to grow muscles because focusing on heavyweight increases physical strength, and the greater the strength, the greater the possibility of using more weights to do exercises, and more mass can be added by increasing Total exercise capacity – the number of weights used multiplied by the number of times you do the exercise.

Set specific breaks: Not backing down and taking breaks between exercises increases the likelihood of injury, so doing warm-up exercises correctly ensures that the body – with its components: muscles, tendons, and ligaments – is ready to add more weight and that the body is stronger and free of injuries And doing full-body exercises followed by a day of rest increases muscle mass, as it appears that lifting strenuous weights increases protein synthesis for up to 48 hours immediately after a workout session, and as Michael Mejia, an exercise consultant for Men’s Health, says: You rest, not when you exercise. “

Different weights in a single exercise: Different muscle fibers respond differently to changes in the weights carried and the time spent under stress, which helps in increasing muscle mass and building it.

Use the correct postures most of the time: Now and then, postures and cheating can be reduced a little to ensure that you can repeat the exercise a few times with heavyweights, but this approach is better suited for certain movements than others.

Targeting the largest number of muscles with fewer exercises: There is no point in complicating training by changing exercises continuously, the fastest way to increase the required muscle mass is to do a small number of exercises that target several muscles at once and lift more weights.

Targeting the largest muscles in the body: If a person is a beginner, practicing any physical exercise will be sufficient to increase protein synthesis, but in the case of athletes who are trained for a long period, muscle building will be faster if the focus is on large muscle groups, such as the chest, back, and legs.

Rules for Increasing Muscle Mass with Diet


Diet and exercise are both important in increasing muscle mass correctly and properly, so it is not possible to lean on one of them without the other, in addition to the necessity of choosing the right exercises, a proper diet should be chosen, and among the rules for increasing muscle mass in the diet the following:

Get Enough Carbohydrates and Healthy Fats

Protein is the most important among the nutrients, but all three macros: protein, fats, and carbohydrates must be present in the daily diet to increase muscle mass. 

The keto diet, for example, is not suitable as fuel for either exercise or growth, but rather you must eat a lot of carbohydrates such as Rice, potatoes, oats, and fresh fruits, which help fill the muscles with glycogen – the fuel that you need for contractions -, in addition to healthy fats, to maintain a good level of body hormones, and being the most efficient source of calories, each gram of fat contains 9 calories, For 4 calories per gram of protein or carbohydrates, which can be obtained from raw nuts, whole eggs, salmon, avocados, olive oil, and almond butter.

Eat More Calories Than You Burn

This may seem obvious, but when trying to gain muscle mass, this requires eating more calories required to fuel the body to be reached, and the best way is to find an eating strategy that makes it easier to eat more calories, and this may mean increasing the number of Meals, or it may mean eating large amounts during regular meals.

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