Important Things you Need to Know About Converting Waste into Energy

The world produces thousands of tons of waste, both recyclable and non-recyclable. Recyclable waste can be used to produce many material products while non-recyclable waste would have become just a part of landfills if the energy-from-waste process did not exist. The garbage we throw out of our house daily can be utilized to produce a great amount of energy. Many countries are making effective use of this productive waste disposal process. Global experts like Suez, facilitating prolific treatment of waste and water, contribute towards preventing waste accumulations in landfills. Conversion of waste into energy works through the combustion process. This process converts trash into heat or fuel which is then used to generate energy.  In addition to meeting increasing energy requirements, producing energy from waste is quite a significant approach towards waste management as well. Following are the important things you should know about producing energy from waste:

High-temperature combustion

All the waste that arrives at the plant needs to be burnt at high temperatures. For this purpose, extremely high-temperature chambers need to be constructed. This process is called incineration in which the waste is first filtered, separating non-combustible and recyclable materials.


Instead of using mass burning in incineration plants, where the waste is utilized as a raw material for the manufacture of syngas from which the energy is derived later. You can also make use of this gasification process instead of incineration.

Possible drawbacks

You must know that converting waste into energy is not an abundant energy production source. A relatively smaller amount of energy is produced from tons of waste. Also, the waste combustion chamber and plants might cost high. This process can also be problematic from environmental aspects. The residues of the waste combustion process can increase the number of fatal pollutants in the air. These often contain cancer-causing dioxins. This also leads to the production and accumulation of more greenhouse gases which is unsafe for the Earth. However, some technologies can treat certain residues not to become an environmental threat by making them greenhouse gasses. But, it is still lethal for life in the long run to a certain extent.

EFW- more of a waste management system

Converting waste into energy is a way to generate heat to run turbines, which in turn produce electricity. But the fact that energy produced this way is relatively lesser. This makes the conversion of waste into energy more of an amazing waste disposal system, which is quite helpful in reducing world pollution. So, the dual functioning of this strategy reduces waste from landfills, making more land available for installation of other power plants or commercial processes, but might enhance the risk of polluting the air.

A country cannot meet its whole energy requirement relying only on the energy-from-waste process. It might contribute to a small part of it with the benefit of abundant waste treatment. Sweden is the country that is making profuse use of this process and making their lands garbage-free.

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