The advantages of blue light blocking glasses for children

Blue light is everywhere – it’s what turns the skies blue and what makes your child’s phone shine while they play games and watch movies. So, should you get blue light glasses for your kids? Parents who are concerned about their children’s exposure to bright light from screens should teach children the 20/20/20 rule to limit their children’s screen time. So, what exactly is blue light? It’s visible to the human eye with wavelengths shorter and higher energy than light at the opposite end of the spectrum. Blue light is primarily produced by the sun.

What are the effects of blue light spectacles on children’s eyes?

A small amount of regular sun exposure may help to lower myopia risk or slow the progression. However, long-term exposure to azure sun’s rays may cause retina damage. This is because a child’s retina receives more blue light than an adult’s. Excessive exposure to sunshine over life may result in adult eyesight impairment.

Children’s exposure to sunlight and tv time

Indoors, children are exposed to far less blue light than they are outside. Digital eye fatigue, also known as vision problems, is more common in children who spend more time next to screens. Disruption of the body’s sleep/wake cycle is one of the dangers from too much television viewing for youngsters and too much light-emitting exposure. This can result in irritability, tiredness at school, and health problems.

How to Keep Your Children Safe From Blue Light

1) Establish Limits

The first and most important measure is to limit the children’s usage of cell phones, computers, and anything else with a blue-light-emitting screen. Limiting your children’s usage of digital devices was especially crucial in the hours leading up to bedtime; it’s ideal to keep them away from them for at least 2 hours.

2) Kids’ Blue Light Glasses

If you’re having trouble reaching an agreement with your kids about how much time they should spend on devices, consider getting them blue-light-blocking glasses for kids. These glasses are created specifically for children and include special orangish lenses that block out blue light.

3) Set the Tone for Success inside the Bedroom

Consider switching the light sources in your children’s bedrooms with warmer colored light or less bright sun in general if they use electronic devices frequently and also have trouble settling down before bed. If they’re comfortable without a nightlight, a fully darkened room is best when it’s time for bed. Also, keep cell phones and laptops out of their rooms at night so kids aren’t tempted to do any late-night browsing.

Do blue light spectacles for kids work?

Blue light glasses are one technique to protect your child’s eyes against blue light at home or school. Blue light glasses filter out a certain range of light wavelengths, reducing the risk of digital eye strain in children. While blue light spectacles do not completely block all light, they can cut your child’s exposure to colored rays by up to 80%.

Parents may wish to consider restricting time on screen for younger children and investing in blue light spectacles for children aged 12 and above or younger children who spend hours a day staring at screens.

When the kids play outside for hours or do an activity with a lot of glare, such as lounging out over the beach or skiing, a nice pair of children’s sunglasses are also crucial for blocking UV rays and blue light.

If you are concerned regarding your health then I must recommend blue light glasses for kids. They are considered best for children to make them escape from harmful UV rays. 


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