The Expert Guide to Institute for Special Children

The Expert Guide to Institute for Special Children

“I am so excited to share my years of experience with you about the Institute for Special Children! I have been working in this field for over 10 years and worked closely with many families that were struggling. This blog post is an attempt to help parents who are looking into the ISI for their children, but don’t know where to start.”

What is the Institute for Special Children?

The ISI is a non-profit organization that provides a full spectrum of services to families who have children with special needs. The goal of the institute is not to create a dependency on its services, but rather to help parents learn how to use their resources and strengths effectively so they can provide care for their children at home.

The ISI is very adamant about helping children with special needs remain in their homes where they are loved, nurtured, and protected. Home is the best place for all kids! The services provided by the institute can’t be found anywhere else.

New Changes to Subsidized Childcare

What does ISI do?

1 . Diagnostics – The institute conducts diagnostic evaluations of children from all around the world. The institute believes that every child deserves a thorough assessment as early as possible so they can receive appropriate care and intervention as soon as possible.

2 . Biomedical – ISI follows the Defeat Autism Now! (DAN!) protocol states that biomedical treatments are important to help reduce inflammation and improve gut health, detoxification, and vitamin and mineral status. The ISI provides its patients with supplements, vitamins, minerals, diet recommendations including the gluten-free casein-free (gfcf) diet, vitamin B6 shots to reduce stims, chelation if necessary.

3 . Speech Therapy – The institute’s therapists use techniques that are hands-on and provide parents with the skills they need to work with their children. It is very important to learn how to help your child make sounds and speak words in a way that helps the child clearly formulate the word they are trying to say.

4 . Occupational Therapy – The ISI specializes in sensory processing disorders which can manifest as difficulty with fine-motor skills, handwriting, crossing midline, and sensory seeking behaviors. The occupational therapists at the ISI help children learn how to self-regulate their behavior and stay calm with a turn-taking technique called “stop, look, listen.”

5 . Physical Therapy – A physical therapist from the institute is available once a month for parents who may need guidance on stretching exercises or using equipment such as a standing frame or using an AFO.

6 . Vision Therapy – The institute provides vision therapy. Many children who have autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) may also be diagnosed with ocular-motor dysfunctions which can contribute to difficulties with double vision (diplopia), crossing midline, and long/short-sightedness.

7 . Social Skills Group – The institute runs a social skills group once a month where children learn how to make friends and improve their communication skills.

What do parents say about ISI?

“We love you guys! Every visit has been special and the information is always helpful!” “I am really happy with the services that my child is receiving from ISI. The therapists are wonderful and the services really make a difference in her life.” “They help our family received from ISI was invaluable! Our daughter started walking when she was 18 months old because of the physical therapy she got at the institute. We still do 10 minutes of stretching exercises every day!”

Also Read About The Intermediate Guide To Special Children

What’s the Idea Behind Institute for special children?

In 1974, a parent of a child with special needs realized the need for an institute that would provide all of the necessary services under one roof. The ISI opened its doors in 1979 and has been growing ever since. In 2005, the ISI expanded its reach even further when it launched a sister organization called Autism Treatment Center of America (ATCA). The ATCA provides families with education and training on biomedical treatments, detoxification, gluten-free casein-free (gfcf) diet, chelation therapy if necessary, and proper supplementation.

The ISI was founded by Dr. Bernard Rimland who is the director of research at the institute. He has devoted his life to researching counselling shotts and was even the first editor of “Autism Research Review International.” His groundbreaking book, “Infantile Autism: The Syndrome and Its Implications for a Neural Theory of Behavior” earned him his PhD in psychology from Stanford University.

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